Event Date: April 23, 2017
10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Harvesting nettles at a Seattle park, nettle food preparation and communal meal at a home in Phinney Ridge
. This is a free event, but please RSVP as space is limited to 10
Call Cindy to register
Join us and other herbal enthusiasts for this hand-on class. We will learn about sustainable gathering of nettles, how to cook with them, and their medicinal uses and benefits. We will gather and cook together, make nettle tea, soup and medicine, and then sit together around a communal table to share food and nature’s spring bounty.
In Chinese medicine and many other holistic healing traditions, food is medicine. When we eat seasonally, we remain in balance with our environment and support the health of our body/mind by listening to and receiving from nature. Spring is the time of the wood element, corresponding to the Liver and Gallbladder, and a good time to choose foods and herbs that cleanse, rejuvenate and support vitality.
From a biomedical perspective, nettles are a powerhouse of nutrition, rich in many vitamins and minerals – and they are delicious! Among the many medicinal effects of nettles, they have anti-inflammatory and astringent properties, and are decongestant to the mucosa, therefore useful for sinus and lung issues. Nettle astringes bladder and urethral membranes, and helps to flush the renal system for chronic urinary problems, and help to condition the skin in cases of dryness or eczema. Because the plant is so mineral rich, it is an excellent blood tonic and supports the restoration of vitality after the cold winter months.
Bring with you to the class:
Large paper grocery bag
Garden or kitchen gloves made of rubber or other material
that will not allow nettles stingers to penetrate
Scissors or garden pruning shears
1 – quart glass jar for nettle tea to take home
Also, please bring a small potluck dish to share with the group, along with our nettle soup and tea, for a delicious and incredibly nutritious spring meal. Gluten and dairy free please!
You must call to RSVP as we are limiting this gathering to 10 people.
To register and get further directions about where to meet for nettle gathering,
call Cindy at (206) 409-6157
Dress for the weather! We will be outside gathering nettles rain or shine.