Day 7 – Sept 30

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21-Day Kindness Project: Day 7

Kindness in words creates confidence.  Kindness in thinking creates profoundness.  Kindness in giving creates love.
– Lao Tzu

Give Sincere and Heartfelt Thanks to Someone
(Especially Someone Who Isn’t Often Thanked Enough):

The daily whirl of our lives is supported by the steadfast contributions of so many people.  As we go about our days taking care of our individual responsibilities, it is easy to forget that our lives are entwined and interdependent with so many others that we don’t even know, who perform crucial services that keep our lives humming along.There are the people who deliver your mail, collect your garbage, drive the bus to get you to school or work on time, and the police officers and firefighters who help keep your neighborhood safe.

There are the everyday people that are so easy to take for granted that pour your coffee, check your bags at the store, and provide the news.  Not to mention your neighbor that helps out and your colleague whose work is often unnoticed and under appreciated.  That goes also for all of the farmers who grow our food, truckers that get it to our stores, those who take care of and teach our children, and numerous other people with whom we have little contact but depend on.Note the trees who tirelessly work to store carbon, clean our air, and perform ecological miracles underground.  They know what community really means as they go about their crucial role supporting the ecosystem and the health of all beings on the planet.  Gratitude to them too!

Today is a good day to be watchful of all the opportunities that you can find to give appreciation.  Receiving appreciation from someone who recognizes the important role we play in each others lives, often behind the scenes, can be incredibly heart warming.  A simple thank you, or a card expressing thanks, or even a small gift if that seems appropriate.  Everyone appreciates appreciation.  Think back on an experience you have had when someone expressed unexpected, sincere appreciation to you, and reflect on how it can totally change and uplift a person’s day.


21 days of kindness

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