Day 13 – Oct 6

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21-Day Kindness Project: Day 13

I am suggesting that as we go through life we “accentuate the positive”.  I am asking that we look a little deeper for the good, that we still our voices of insult and sarcasm, that we more generously compliment and endorse virtue and effort.
– Gordon B. Hinckley

Give at Least Two People a Sincere Compliment or Appreciation:

Sometimes we underestimate the simple act and art of paying a genuine compliment.  And yet we have all experienced how words of warmth and heartfelt admiration can lift our spirits, and rekindle faith in ourselves.  Giving a sincere compliment requires taking time to look closely at others and really see someone, and sometimes it requires us to intentionally focus on their better qualities as opposed to ones that so easily irritate us.

So use this day’s kindness focus as an opportunity to tune into the gifts of people around you.  Whether a colleague, friend, family member or a stranger you cross paths with on the street, take a moment to really appreciate something about them.  It could be their smile, their attitude or actions, or even something as simple as their scarf or haircut.  Think of people at work, in your community or family that you tend to take for granted but deserve appreciation, or try giving an authentic compliment to every person you have more than a five minute interaction with today.  Looking for a way to compliment people causes us to look for the positive in each person.  It has the power to not only change the way you perceive, but also create positive relationships that are a reward in themselves.

Notice how becoming more aware of the good you see in others, and expressing it, has the effect of helping you see the world in a more positive light, and feel better about yourself too.

21 days of kindness


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