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21-Day Kindness Project: Day 20
– Mahatma Gandhi
Carrying emotions related to being hurt causes us to be chained to the past, caught in the hurt and pain of our history. Forgiveness can release the negativity and free you, as it frees you from a burden. To forgive does not necessarily mean to condone what has happened in the past, in fact it sometimes includes resolve to set clear boundaries and not let it happen again. And it may be a process that includes forgiving oneself.
Sometimes it entails the simple act of forgiving an unintended slight, or it might require re-visiting and reflecting on a difficult and painful experience. Depending on the situation, the process may feel vulnerable, and can require courage, but as it releases, it can free you of the burden of the past and emotions that have extended your pain for too long.
And sometimes, forgiveness can lead to an unexpected chain reaction that reconnects you with the one you felt hurt by with a deeper sense of understanding and care for the suffering each of you endured.